2016年6月17日 星期五


If there is a shining period in W. Edwards Deming’s career it would be the years he spent working with the leaders of Japanese industry during the 1950s. The meteoric rise of Japan as an industrial and economic powerhouse after WWII, and the honors bestowed upon him by Japanese society are testament to the power of his transformative theories and teachings.
Transforming Japanese Industry With Honor And Respect
1950Receives invitation to teach the application of statistics to quality improvement from the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).
Dr. Eizaburo Nishibori, a member of JUSE, and Professor Sigeiti Moriguti of Tokyo University invite Deming to lecture on statistical methods for business in a session sponsored by the Keidanren, the most prestigious society of Japanese executives, under the leadership of its chairman, Ichiro Ishikawa (also president of JUSE).
1950Conducts first of a dozen lectures beginning at Tokyo University. 在日本巡迴講學十幾場,第一場在東京大學。
1950Publishes book, Some Theory of Sampling (brochure).
1950, 1952"Elementary Principles of the Statistical Control of Quality" published.  愛德華茲‧戴明 (W. Edwards Deming)《統計品質管制的基本原理》(Elementary of Principles of Statistical Control of Quality)(東京:日本科技連盟JUSE1950)
1951Deming returns to Japan as a consultant and teacher to aid JUSE’s efforts. He returns again in 1952, 1955 and 1956. 1951年、1952年、1955年和1956年,戴明訪日,繼續做科技連的顧問和教師,協助他們推廣統計品管。
1951JUSE establishes the Deming Prize.
The Deming Prize was instituted by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers and is awarded each year in Japan to a statistician for contributions to statistical theory. The Deming prize for application is awarded to a company for improved use of statistical theory in organization, consumer research, design of product, and production.
1952, 1953Is an "exchange scholar" to Germany. 到德國當"交換學者"。
1953Consultant, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden.  1953年顧問,聯邦統計辦公室,威斯巴登。
1953Lecturer, Universität Kiel; Institut für Sozialforschung Universität Frankfurt; Technische Akademie, Wuppertal-Elberfeld; Technische Hochschule, Nürnberg; Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Wien 1953年講師,基爾大學;學院為法蘭克福社會研究型大學;技術學院,伍珀塔爾,埃爾伯費爾德;技術學院,紐倫堡;經濟研究,維也納奧地利研究所
1954, 1955Consultant to the Census of Mexico, the Bank of Mexico, and the Ministry of Economy.墨西哥人口普查局、墨西哥銀行、經濟部等單位的顧問。
1955Awarded the Shewhart Medal by the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC). 美國品質管制學會頒贈Shewhart 獎章。
1959 — 1962Consultant to the Central Statistical Office of Turkey. 土耳其中央統計辦公室顧問。
1947 — 1952Member of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Statistical Sampling. 聯合國"統計抽樣"小組的成園。
1960Publishes book, Sample Design in Business Research. 出版《企業研究的樣本設計》(Sample Design in Business Research, Wiley, 1960)一書
1960Awarded the Second Order Medal of the Sacred Treasure by the Emperor of Japan.
Emperor Hirohito decorates Deming with an award recognizing the philosophy and methods he provided to Japan, which allowed the nation to rise from destruction to the ranks of world economic power. Three decades later, when he asked how he felt on receiving this honor, he says he felt “unworthy.” “I was lucky,” he says, showing he considers himself no exception to his own teachings about the effects of the system upon individual performance.

日本天皇頒給他「 二等瑞寶獎」。昭和天皇授此勳章,旨在表彰戴明帶給日本的新哲學和方法,讓

In 1960 Dr. Deming was awarded the Second Order Medal of the Sacred Treasure by Emperor Hirohito of Japan, recognizing the philosophy and methods he provided to Japan, which allowed the nation to rise from destruction to the ranks of world economic power.

Bundesamt, Wiesbaden.
1953 Lecturer, Universität Kiel; Institut für Sozialforschung Universität Frankfurt; Technische Akademie, Wuppertal-Elberfeld; Technische Hochschule, Nürnberg; Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Wien

