2017年12月12日 星期二




韓國通過這個事情也認識到了中國民族主義情緒起來的威力,中國應該也看到,抵制在總體上沒有特別大的效果,薩德還在,中韓領導人現在還安排見面, 兩國關係回暖。當初抵制是圖什麼呢?導致一個企業從中國市場撤出去,真正的損失是誰呢?那是樂天在中國僱傭的幾萬員工阿。所以這是一個兩敗俱傷的事情,沒有什麼好處,所以兩國領導人應該就此認識到還是應該加強溝通,不要做這種雙輸的事情,應該多溝通、多談話,做一些真正能夠讓兩國雙贏的事情。
美國現在就是想壓中國,自己不付出,希望中國火中取栗,把擔子挑過去,希望中國採取措施,包括給朝鮮斷油等等措施給平壤施壓。固然,朝鮮核武器項目做大,有中國長期縱容的因素,是難辭其咎的。但中國肯定不會接過朝鮮這個包袱,這等於把全部的矛盾都攬到自己身上。把一個燃燒的炸藥包攬到自己身邊,我圖什麼呢?核武器在那裡放著,都說長遠來看對東北是威脅,但是這並不是個迫在眉睫的問題。並沒有辦法切實的論證說, 朝鮮核武器是對準中國的。如果中國按照美國的設想去斷油斷糧,朝鮮被逼急了,真有可能扔核武器過來。

王江雨:朝鮮核問題,目前的情況下幾乎是沒有什麼辦法的。如果中美真的一心一意的合作,堅定地要去解決這個問題的話,一個朝鮮是抵擋不住的。很大程度上,朝鮮半島其實是大國博弈的棋子。中美在對待朝鮮政策上都有重大的失誤,釀成瞭如今的局面。如果中美不是全心全意地合作, 這個問題是沒有辦法解決的。核武問題,要解決它是要付出很大,且各個方面的資源:軍事、經濟、外交資源等等,現在我們能看出來,中美都想把這個擔子推到對方身上,都有各自的盤算,既不肯各自努力,單方匹馬去解決,又不肯通力合作,這種情況下,朝鮮問題是無解的。

Will You Help The Deming Institute?

December 12, 2017

Dear Hanching,

My grandfather, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, wrote these words in his book, Out of the Crisis, in 1982. The aim of his book was the “transformation of the style of American management.” He believed that “there must be an awakening to the crisis, followed by action, management’s job.“ The current style of management, he believed, had taken us into decline. 

Dr. Deming had the answers to lift us out of the crisis. And yet today, 35 years later, many are still struggling to succeed. The small and mid-sized businesses and nonprofits that fuel innovation, social good, and job creation are facing tremendous economic and social forces. Younger workers aresearching for collaborative managers who encourage life-long learning and growth. People’s talents and abilities are not being used to their full potential as they strive for more meaning and joy in their jobs. And every day at The Deming Institute, we are contacted by people seeking help. 

My grandfather believed that the answer was the transformation of management. This required planning for the future, long-term commitment, constancy of purpose, new knowledge, collaboration, and "leadership" over "supervision." Drastic change is necessary and learning how to change is critical. “Everyone doing his best is not the answer,” he said. “It is first necessary that people know what to do.”

Today, The W. Edwards Deming Institute® is carrying on Dr. Deming’s work, bringing the critical outside view and knowledge needed to succeed, and helping people “know what to do.” We promote transformation through educational resources, seminars and workshops, scholarships, and the development of new Deming learning platforms and tools. And we are ensuring the transfer of knowledge from Deming colleagues to a new generation of Deming leaders. 

But we need to do more. Reigniting and sustaining the Deming teachings means we need more resources to move forward quickly and robustly. When my grandfather founded The Deming Institute as a 501(c)(3) public charity, he did not fund its launch or ongoing operations. We are a nonprofit organization that relies on program revenue and gifts from donors like you to pursue our aim. Your support will keep the Deming teachings alive and thriving, to promote the Deming philosophy and help more businesses, schools, communities and families succeed.

We are a small organization with the potential to make a big impact. But we need your help. Your gift of any size will ensure that Dr. Deming’s teachings live on to bring greater improvement, meaning, and quality to people’s lives and livelihoods.

Please give today. Together we will ensure that The Deming Institute's impact grows stronger, to benefit more businesses and organizations and enrich more lives through the Deming philosophy.   

Thank you!

Kevin Cahill
President, Board of Trustees

PS: A monthly donation is a convenient way to give your ongoing support to The Deming Institute. You can make a monthly gift at www.deming.org.  

Help us raise $200,000 by December 31st!
To donate by mail, please send your check to The Deming Institute, PO Box 309, Ketchum, ID 83340. 

The W. Edwards Deming Institute® is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Questions? Please contact Darlene Suyematsu at darlene@deming.org

2017年11月4日 星期六

William Scherkenbach Interviewed Dr. Deming

William Scherkenbach Interviewed Dr. Deming

W. Edwards Deming - Rare Full-Length Interview - February 1984


2017年10月6日 星期五

The W. Edwards Deming business school, William Howard Taft University

William Howard Taft University Awards Doctor of Education in Charter School Administration ...
William Howard Taft University Awards Doctor of Education in Charter ... The WEdwards Deming business school offers a Bachelors completion ...

About William Howard Taft University
For over four decades, William Howard Taft University (www.taft.edu) has offered distance learning graduate degree programs to students throughout the world. Presently, the University offers nationally accredited programs, including the Master of Education and Doctor of Education with the option of three concentrations: Leadership and Management, Technology and Leadership, and Charter School Administration. The W. Edwards Deming business school offers a Bachelors completion program, four MBAs, a DBA and a Masters in Taxation.

案:官方網站、Wikipedia 的大學簡介都無此資訊

2017年10月4日 星期三

Ceat bags prestigious Deming Prize

近年,印度企業對JUSE的Deming Prize特別有興趣。
Ceat bags prestigious Deming Prize
The Deming Prize was established in 1951 by Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) to honour WEdwards Deming, who contributed ...

Another Indian company has bagged the Deming Prize – considered to be the Oscar award for quality in manufacturing. The company is tyre major Ceat.
Confirmation of the news came when RPG Group chairman Harsh Goenka's tweeted: "CEAT wins the global Deming award - the global Oscars for Quality. Proud of the CEAT team. Celebrations galore!"
With this, the RPG Group company joins the elite list of other Indian winners of the Deming Prize such as Mahindra & Mahindra (tractor division), Rane Brake Lining, Rane Madras, Lucas TVS, RSB Group, National Engineering Industries, Ashok Leyland's Pantnagar plant.
The Deming Prize and its criteriaThe Deming Prize was established in 1951 by Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) to honour W. Edwards Deming, who contributed greatly to Japan’s proliferation of statistical quality control after World War II.
The selection procedure of the winner involves a tedious process. It is a very intense and time-consuming effort both for the company and the examination body. The Deming Prize Committee views the examination process as an opportunity for ‘mutual-development’, rather than an ‘examination’.
The applicants are not provided with any criteria or issues to be addressed. They are expected to identify and address important issues based on the business objectives which in turn allow quality methodologies to be further developed. Every factor such as the applicants' attitude toward executing Total Quality Management (TQM), their implementation status and the resulting effects are taken into overall consideration before the final winner is decided.

2017年9月23日 星期六



The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) is honored with a W. Edwards Deming Award in the employee engagement category by the Graduate School USA.

Hanching Chung 這是家鄉的:Whartons receive chamber award
Sioux City Catholic Globe
The Siouxland Chamber of Commerce presented the W. Edwards Deming Business Leadership and Entrepreneurial Excellence Award to long-time ...

Briar Cliff dedicates Beverly Wharton Learning Center
Wharton and her husband Jim received the WEdwards DemingBusiness Leadership and Entrepreneurial Excellence Award for their generosity and ...
Hanching Chung 這是美國品質協會的:DEMING MEDAL
The Deming Medal is presented to those who, like Dr. Deming, have successfully combined the application of statistical thinking and management so that each supports and enhances the other, thus leading to quality in products and services.


Winner's Announcement On October 12, 2017, the 2017 Deming Cup for Operational Excellence will be…