2015年9月16日 星期三

顧客會發明新產品和服務嗎?Does the customer invent new product or service?

Real change only comes about when the current status quo is “disrupted” and a new course is set.
"Does the customer invent new product or service? The customer generates nothing. No customer asked for electric lights. There was gas and gas mantles, which gave good light. The first electric lights had carbon filaments. They were fragile and inefficient. No customer asked for photography. No customer asked for the telegraph, nor for a telephone. No customer asked for an automobile. We have horses: what could be better’?" - Dr Deming
  顧客會發明新產品和服務嗎?顧客不會創造出什麼。例如,當初沒有顧客會要求電燈︰他們認為,瓦斯燈照明的效果已經不錯了;而且,最早期的電燈的碳絲,既脆弱又耗電。又例如,當初並沒有顧客要求照相術,沒有顧客要求電報或電話,更沒有顧客要求汽車︰我們有馬可用,還有什麼比牠更好呢?沒有顧客曾要求充氣輪胎︰這些車胎都是用橡膠做的,想「騎在空氣上」似乎很傻;美國第一個充氣輪胎並不好用,使用者必須攜帶橡皮膠、插頭和打氣筒,同時還要知道如何使用。此外,也沒有顧客要求積體電路(IC)、口袋型收音機,或傳真機。-  戴明博士《新經濟學》1 現況的省思

