2013年10月14日 星期一

1999.3 來函: David Hsu等人

同時﹐更要感謝您所借閱有關DFA(Design for Assembly)的相關資料﹐這個主題在台灣剛剛起步﹐但早已成為美﹑日設計工程師的必修功課﹐也是我在最近工作中的重點主題﹐提著重重的兩袋書連同資料﹐回到家中差點體力不支﹐但是精神振奮﹐將眼前用得到與用不到的資料分成兩邊﹐立刻著手研讀﹐若不是第二天還有「尾牙聚餐」的硬仗要打﹐大有可能通宵痛享學習之樂!
祝 教﹑學之樂 樂無窮
D. Hsu

---- 1999.1
David Hsu wrote:
> HC,,
> 網頁的內容很豐富﹐沒想到老鍾功力之深已達超凡之境。
> 顧問公司或是華人戴明學院有活動時不仿通知一聲。
> 今日逛書店買了「戴明博士四日談」﹐書中的網頁位址竟是用手寫的﹐
> 有點意外﹐對您的品管用心有點失望。
> 徐歷昌 David Hsu
Dear David,

Thanks for your feedback.
Please be reminded that maybe the handwriting by me is more valuable
than printing. Anyway, this is just one opinion. I am sorry that you
missed our last Dec. 19 meeting in Shin Peitou which one particular
participant you may like to know. Please refer to our first interview
this April for Mr.Wu. Please kindly advise your status.
You need to visit our website monthly to know some new information.
Hanching Chung
John Hunter wrote:
We have added a link to your site to the Curious Cat Global Management Improvement Links:
Also on your page:
(and other pages where your reference his work) can you include a link to Peter's web site:
I also manage his web site for him. Given your site and posts to the DEN I  think you may find the following sites useful:
Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement, University of  Wisconsin-Madison www.engr.wisc.edu/centers/cqpi/ reports by experts  including: W. Edwards Deming, George Box, Kaoru Ishikawa, Brian Joiner and Peter Scholtes.
Secretary of Defense: Quality Management Office provides worldwide  interface for the United States Department of Defense for all matters  related to Quality Management. Links to Military Quality Management sites  President's Quality Award winners (especially the education section)
I visited Taiwan several years ago while visting my brother who studied  there. He is now working in Hong Kong.
John Hunter
Curious Cat Management Improvement Books

Dear Hanching,
My Deming colleague, Margaret Morgan, recently wrote to me of your work in the Arts.. Would you please attach, to an e-mail message to me, any material you have developed so far that would summarize some of your work?  You can review one of my own recent programs, using Dr. Deming's principles, to improve the field of general music education at my website:
I have included a bibiography (below) for your reference, about many other areas where I have used Dr. Deming's principles to improve the outcomes of businesses, professional arts organizations, human development and formal academic education programs. Look them over, if you are interested.  It sounds like you are doing some really good work. And I am delighted to hear of you... Please keep in touch...
Samuel C. Welch
411 Kentucky Drive
Fort Wright, KY 41011 USA
tele/fax: 606.426.8881
e-mail: welchhome@aol.com
Commissioned Papers and Publications
Total Quality Management in the Performing Arts, Samuel C. Welch and The Honorable Newt Gingrich, Congressional Record, Library of Congress, Vol. 138, No.42, March 24, 1992, pages E-784 to E-787.
Total Quality Management in the Performing Arts, Samuel C. Welch, Quality Progress, Volume 26, No.1, January, 1993, American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, WI, pages 31-36.
The Xavier University Opera Workshop, Getting Down To Business in the Performing Arts, Amy Bly Williams, CBA Today, Xavier University, College of Business Administration, Spring, 1993, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, Front cover and pages 6-9.
TQM in the Classroom - Professor Teaches Quality Through Music, Robert Cornesky, Sc.D, TQM In Higher Education, Vol.2, No.3, March 1993, Magna Publications, Madison, WI, page 3
The Xavier University Opera Workshop, Quality Management in Opera Education, Samuel C. Welch, The Opera Journal, Volume XXVI, Number 4, December, 1993, National Opera Association, Evanston, Ill, pages 18-51.
The Xavier University Opera Workshop, Quality Management in Opera Education, Samuel C. Welch, 48th Annual Quality Congress Proceedings, May 24-26, 1994, Las Vegas, Nevada, American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, WI, pages 270-285.
Requirements Based Learning, A Process That Enhances Productivity Through Education From Kindergarten Through Graduate School and During Subsequent Employment, Samuel C. Welch, Commissioned Paper, prepared for the American Association for Higher Education, 9th Annual Assessment and Quality Conference, Washington, DC, June 12-15, 1994, pages 1-14.
The Xavier University Opera Workshop, Quality Management in Opera Education, Samuel C. Welch, (in Spanish) Qualitas Hodie, April, 1995, Ediciones Tecnicas Izaro, Bilboa, Espa.
Once Upon A Campus, Lessons for Improving Quality and Productivity in Higher Education, Dr. Daniel Seymour, American Council on Higher Education, Oryx Press, Series on Higher Education, 1995, pages 37-39, 172.
The Xavier University Opera Workshop: TQM in the Classroom - TQM at the Opera, Randy Kennedy, Campus Crossroads, TQM In Higher Education, Vol. 5, No.1, January 1996, Magna Publications, Madison, WI, pages 3 and 4.
Quality In Law ,Nancy Blodgett, Bottom-Line Management for Law Firms, Vol.1, Issue 3, July 1996, Altman Weil Pensa, Newtown Square, PA, page 11.
Determining Your Client Requirements: The Quality In Law Project, Nancy Blodgett and Samuel C. Welch, Report To Legal Management, Vol. 24, Number 10, July 1997, Altman Weil Pensa, Newtown Square, PA, page 4-8.
Lawyers Find a Partner in Quality: Teaching law school students the importance of client satisfaction, Nancy Blodgett and Samuel C. Welch, Quality Progress, Vol. 31, No.5, May 1998, American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, WI, pages 83-90.
True Music, Dona L. Buel and Samuel C. Welch, Triad, Vol.LXV, No. 6, May- June1998, The Ohio Music Education Association, Music Educators National Conference, Kent, OH, page 18-20.
Media Reviews
The Best of Our Knowledge, (International Radio Series) - The Xavier University Opera Workshop, Total Quality Management in Higher Education, National Public Radio, Armed Forces Radio, Producer: WAMC, Northeast Public Radio, Albany, New York, Broadcast first on March 9, 1994.
The Quality Minutes, (Worldwide Industry Education Video Series) - The Xavier University Opera Workshop, Education Quality By Design, Volume II, Number 8, Producer: The Juran Institute, Wilton, CT. and The Center for Video Education, North White Plains, New York, ?June 15, 1995. Available from The Juran Institute world wide web site at http://www.juran.com
The Quality Minutes, (Worldwide Industry Education Video Series) - Quality Measures and Tools: The Star Chart, Volume III, Number 12, Producer: The Juran Institute, Wilton, CT. and The Center for Video Education, North White Plains, New York, ?January 12, 1997. Available from The Juran Institute world wide web site at http://www.juran.com

