2013年10月14日 星期一

來函:戴明博士四日談的共著者之一William J. Latzko教授

下文是戴明博士四日談的共著者之一William J. Latzko教授給鍾漢清先生的一封信,其中有關於教學指引(英文版),本學院已收到,需要的人員請向我們索取(原作者保有版權,並謹供以該書為教材的老師參考自習用)。
Dear Mr. Chung,
I hope that I am addressing you properly. If not, please forgive my inadvertent error.David Saunders and I are glad that our book is so well received in your country. We wrote it to give busy executives a quick but accurate view of Dr. Deming's ideas. He helped us with our book, as you probably know and was delighted with it. I was one of his personal friends as well as contributor to some of his work.
I wrote an 18 page document for use of those wishing to use the book to train their people. This may help you with your course. Below, I list the index of this work. In the Study Guide Section, each heading has six subsections as follows: (a) "Teaching Objective", (b) "Reference", (c) "Time Required", (d) "Materials", (e) "Notes on Method for Exercise" and, (f) "Team Discussion of the Implications." The section on bead experiments has an additional subsection: "Following the Bead Exercise"
Here then is the index:
The Trainer……1
The Need to Understand Dr. Deming's Ideas ……1
The Ability to Teach Dr. Deming's Ideas ……2
The Audience……2
Audience: Senior Management……2
Audience: Middle Management……2
Audience: Supervisors and Professional Staff……3
Audience: Other Staff……3
Order of Presentation……3
Suggested Methods of Presentation……3
The Red Beads……5
二、Study Guide……7
The Lesson of the Red Beads……7
Chapter 1. The Need for Transformation of
Western Management……9
Chapter 2. A System of Profound Knowledge……10
Chapter 3 Obligations 1 through 5……11
Chapter 4. Obligations 6 through 9……11
Chapter 6. Obligations 10 through 14……12
Chapter 7. The Seven Deadly Diseases……13
Chapter 8. Obstacles……13
Chapter 9. The Funnel……14
Chapter 10. Operational Definitions……15
Chapter 11-13. Management of People, System of
Measurement and Other Topics……15
Audiovisual Materials……17
The material is in WordPerfect format, however, I could convert it to RTF or Microsoft format. If it is of interest to you, I could send the whole work as an attachment or print it out and send a hard copy to you. In the latter case. I need to have a mailing address.
I looked at your web site. I see that you use Henry Neave's picture of Ed Deming. I also read your "Fire Sermon and Deming's Profound Knowledge"speech. Unfortunately, my Chinese is limited to "nin hau" and a few similar phrases. Many years ago I visited Hong Kong for three weeks and learned a few words in Cantonese in order to work with some manufacturers that were making parts for CBS, for whom I worked at the time.
William J. Latzko
Professor W. J. Latzko, D.B. Voice: 201-868-5338
215 - 79th Street Fax: 201-868-5338
North Bergen, NJ 07047-5727
E-mail: latzko@worldnet.att.net
Alt E-mail: latzko@mary.fordham.edu


您好!非常感激您送給我兩本大作,我很喜歡。您要給所長、李昆林、及林聖明的書我已轉交給他們,他們要我一併致謝。也謝謝您上次送我那本The Leader's Handbook, 真是一本好書。
我仍專注在Design of Experiments, SPC, 及多變量統計分析上。有沒有考慮引進像WheelerSPCBoxDOE課程?非常欽佩您推廣戴明理念之大志及胸懷,如有我可以效力的地方請不吝告知,簡此


Mt. Edgecumbe High School網址:www.mehs.educ.state.ak.us 
戴久永 *****
林進能 1998/6/14

我是飛瑞王文通 , 對閣下的宏志大願深為感動 ,期望能有更
多的新資訊及時獲得 ,請利用此信箱. 謝謝!


十一月份增加許多精彩的文章, 對於您在百忙中仍如此用心.

拜讀 "戴明博士(Dr. W. Edward Deming)其人事蹟、貢獻及
蒞台經驗(1998/11)" 一文. 其中關於 " 二、戴明博士的生平"

"戴明博士於1990年10月4日生於美國愛荷華州" 應為 1900
的筆誤, 請更正.

晚輩 林殷緒 (英業達桃園廠品質工程部)


