2013年10月14日 星期一

1999.5. 中國荊其誠教授來函(英文)/日本東京早稻田韓仁盛 /Hakan Sodersved


 1999.5 中國荊其誠教授來函(英文)
Dear Mr. Hanching Chung,
Thank you for your E mail letter of April 26, 1999. Professor Herbert Simon sent a message to me introducing you to me and about your interest of publishing his works in Chinese. Recently, Ms.Cao Nanyan also told me about your wish to translate and publish Professor Simon's major contributions and make these available to Chinese readers.
Professor Herbert Simon is a Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Honorary Professor of the Institute of Psychology of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He first visited China in 1972 and has since been visiting here for more than 10 times. We have been close friends for over the past two decades. Chinese natural and social scientists, particularly psychologists, are well acquainted with Professor Simon's contributions in economics, cognitive science and psychology. Aside from his internationally well known contributions in science, we Chinese colleagues especially honor and treasure his close affiliation with Chinese scientific circles over the years. Despite his close relation with China, we regret that many of his works have not been translated into Chinese.
I speak of the above relations with Professor Simon is just to let you know how much we would like to have his major works published in Chinese and being dissimenated to Chinese language readers worldwide. I, personally, as an intimate friend of Prof. Simon, am fully supportive of your mission to translate and publish Simon's major works and to formulate a way of making known his innovative ideas in science. However, Simon's works are so extensive and encyclopedic, to fulfill the mounmental task as you mentioned would take years of work and need the collabortion of many people, probably from both Mainland and Taiwan China. And there are other concrete things to handle, copyright, publisher, translator, time schedule etc. This would be an ambitious endeavor indeed and needs very careful planning. And, to be honest, I know very littte about on-line universities and need more information on this matter.
From your letter to Ms. Cao you mentioned that you are going to visit Beijing in the near future. I suggest that if you are coming to Beijing it would be a pleasure if we could meet and to learn more of your plans, about the Free Simon's University, and to see in what way can I and my colleagues assist you towards achieving your goals. And if necessary we may perhaps seek assistance from Prof. Simon himself.
Qicheng Jing 
Professor of Psychology
Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
cc Professor Herbert Simon

My address: 
Institute of Psychology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 1603
10 A, Da Tun Rd.
Beijing 100101, CHINA
Fax: 86-10-6487-2070
Tel: (H) 86-10-6256-1367
E mail: qcjing@sun.ihep.ac.cn

鍾老師 您好
這星期和指導教授大江先生談畢業論文的題目,覺得技術評價戰略[star]在台灣的研究有實際上的困難點。大江教授提出1988年美國賓州大學華頓學院IAN C. MACMILLAN教授的論文 [INFORMAL RISK CAPITAL INVESTORS : INVESTMENT PATTERNS ON THE EAST COAST OF THE USA] 引用類似的研究模式研究台灣的個人投資家(ANGLE)的背景組成,投資模式....等等。
預計七月中賓州大學IAN C. MACMILLAN教授要到早稻田大學訪問, 大江教授預定安排學生報告及請益。鍾老師若有其他的想法煩請惠賜寶貴的意見。
韓仁盛 東京早稻田

Hakan Sodersved wrote:
I would like to translate your musical metafore to Swedish. It is very well known to me, but I would like to show haow we share the same thoughts around the globe. I want to put a link to your web site in the same page. I will, if you permit, put the page among http://www.expira.se/artiklar, where I  have the opther samples of Profound Knowledge.
I am a member of the DEN since 1995 when it started, I think. I met Dr. Deming in total 10 different days. My own new book will be named "Ten Days with Dr. W E Deming for Leadership". It will take 10 days to read, 10 days a year to rehearsal, and 10 years to implement.
Thank You for your Deming support in your language area!
Expira AB
Process & Quality Management
Bjornidegrand 3

Tel +46(0)8-739 10 70 Fax +46(0)8-739 10 72
Mob phone +46(0)70-556 33 45

H Sodersved wrote:
I think Dr. Deming did not detect Rule 4 for his own Innovation of Products and Processes. I think you have done it! I will quote you. I think Dana Zohar with her Quant-Physical Model for interactive co-operation would benefit from your Rule 4.
Thank You!

